Post-Master's Certificate

About the Program

Students applying to the Post-Master’s Certificate program are registered nurses with a current RN license and a Master of Science in Nursing degree, but seeking another role concentration or certificate.

Program Learning [Student] Outcomes

  1. Integrate nursing, related sciences, and emerging evidence to influence healthcare practice.
  2. Apply advanced knowledge, skills, and competencies to design, implement, and evaluate person-centered care.
  3. Integrate individual and population-based health strategies to address global healthcare needs.
  4. Translate theory and research to provide evidence based nursing practice.
  5. Integrate quality and safety principles throughout care delivery.
  6. Foster professional partnership to strengthen the delivery of care and work environment.
  7. Coordinate resources to provide safe, quality, and equitable care to diverse populations within complex health systems.
  8. Promote the use of information and communication technologies to provide safe, quality, and cost-effective healthcare.
  9. Model professional expectations and ethical behaviors in practice and leadership roles.
  10. Employ leadership skills and strategies to advocate, mentor, and function within professional teams.

Admission Requirements

While the application deadline is February 1, you may apply to the graduate nursing program anytime throughout the year. Once your file folder is complete, you will be notified and an interview scheduled. Students considered for full admission to the graduate program in the Robert E. Smith School of Nursing must meet the following requirements by February 1:

  • Apply to Delta State University Graduate School and meet admission requirements as outlined in the Delta State University Graduate Bulletin.
  • Meet admission requirements to the Robert E. Smith School of Nursing Graduate Program as follows:
    • Master of Science degree in Nursing with a minimum GPA of 3.00 overall.
    • Completion of Robert E. Smith School of Nursing Graduate Program Application.
    • At least one year of continuous clinical nursing experience as a Registered Nurse for Nurse Educator.
    • At least one year of continuous clinical nursing experience with patient contact as a RN within the past three years for Nurse Practitioner.
    • Submission of a resume’ (further information included in the application packet).
    • A copy of a current unencumbered registered nurse license to practice in the state in which the student will perform clinical.
    • Completion of an interview with Robert E. Smith School of Nursing faculty.
    • A grade of “C” or better on a graduate level pathophysiology course.
    • A  grade of “C” or better on an introductory course in statistics.

Each student will be required to submit a completed health and immunization form provided by the Robert E. Smith School of Nursing, evidence of personal health insurance and current BLS certification (infant, child, adult) after being accepted for admission.

Applicants must comply with Mississippi legislative statues and regulations regarding criminal background checks by having fingerprints taken at an approved health care agency (not a police or sheriff’s department) and a criminal background check completed. Any cost of this requirement will be the student’s responsibility.

Applicants who want to receive credit for prior nursing course(s) taken at another institution must submit a written request with supporting documentation and credit be negotiated before admission to the Robert E. Smith School of Nursing and not after the student is enrolled.

Post-Master’s Nurse Educator Certificate 

Students who already have a Master’s degree in Nursing may be admitted to selected courses to become a Nurse Educator.

Post-Master’s [NE] Certificate Goals

  1. Provide master-prepared nurses with the knowledge and skills to assume the advanced role as a nursing educator.
  2. Prepare master-prepared nurses to improve health outcomes at the system, population, or individual patient levels.
  3. Prepare master-prepared nurses academically to pursue education beyond the master’s level.

Program of Study: 30.5 credit hours (clinical hours 390)
Prerequisite:  *NUR 603 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)

Fall 1st Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 602 Advanced Health Assessment 3
NUR 605 Advanced Pharmacology 3
NUR 621 Role Synthesis (NE) 2
Total Credit Hours 8

Spring 2nd Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 640 Informatics in Nursing 2
NUR 626 Instructional Methodologies 3
NUR 627 Instructional Methodologies Practicum I (90 clinical hours) 1.5
Total Credit Hours 6.5

Fall 3rd Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 604 Advanced Healthcare Policy & Politics 2
NUR 628 Assessment & Evaluation 3
NUR 629 Assessment & Evaluation Practicum (120 clinical hours) 2
Total Credit Hours 7

Spring 4th Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 632 Curriculum Development & Evaluation 3
NUR 633 Simulation in Nursing Education 2
NUR 636 Nurse Educator Practicum (180 clinical hours) 3
Total Credit Hours 8

Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Students who already have a master’s degree in nursing may be admitted to selected courses necessary for national certification as a family nurse practitioner.

Post-Master’s [FNP] Certificate Goals

  1. Provide master-prepared nurses with the knowledge and skills to assume the advanced practice role as a family nurse practitioner.
  2. Prepare master-prepared nurses to improve health outcomes at the system, population, or individual patient levels.
  3. Prepare master-prepared nurses academically to pursue education beyond the master’s level.

Full Time Program of Study: 40 credit hours (clinical hours 780)
Prerequisite: *NUR 603 Advanced Pathophysiology

Fall 1st semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 602 Advanced Health Assessment 3
NUR 605 Advanced Pharmacology 3
NUR 620 Role Synthesis (NP) 2
NUR 624 Differential Diagnosis 2
Total Credit Hours 10

Spring 2nd Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 640 Advanced Healthcare Policy and Politics 2
NUR 630 Family Nurse Practice I 3
NUR 631 Family Nurse Practice I Practicum (240 clinical hours) 4
Total Credit Hours 9

Fall 3rd Semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 640 Informatics in Clinical Practice 2
NUR 634 Family Nurse Practice II 3
NUR 635 Family Nurse Practice II Practicum (240 clinical hours) 4
Total Credit Hours 9

Spring 4th semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 638 Family Nurse Practice III 2
NUR 639 Family Nurse Practice III Practicum (300 clinical hours) 5
NUR 680 Family Nurse Practitioner Review 2
Total Credit Hours 9

Part-time Program of Study: 40 credit hours (clinical hours 780)
Prerequisite: NUR 603 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)

1st semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 602 Advanced Health Assessment 3
NUR 605 Advanced Pharmacology 3
NUR 624 Differential Diagnosis 2
Total credit hours 8

2nd semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 604 Informatics in Clinical Practice 2
Total credit hours 2

3rd semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 640 Informatics in Clinical Practice 2
NUR 620 Role Synthesis  NP 2
Total credit hours 4

4th semester

Course Credit Hour
NUR 630 Family Nurse Practice I 3
NUR 631 Family Nurse Practice I Practicum (240 clinical hours) 4
Total credit hours 7

5th semester

Course Credit Hours
NUR 634 Family Nurse Practice II 3
NUR 635 Family Nurse Practice II Practicum (240 clinical hours) 4
Total credit hours 7

6th semester

Course Credit Hours
NUR 638 Family Nurse Practice III 2
NUR 639 Family Nurse Practice III Practicum (300 clinical hours) 5
NUR 680 Nurse Practitioner Review Course 2
Total credit hours 9

Post Masters  Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate (2024-2025)

Post-Master’s Certificate – Family Nurse Practitioner

Semester Total NUR Courses NUR Courses NUR Courses NUR Courses
*Spring or Summer Semester Pre-requisite course


$110 *603


First Semester  











Second Semester $790 604






Third Semester $500 634






Fourth Semester $850 638






Totals $2725

*Instructors may require exam proctoring services to verify student identity to minimize the risk of academic dishonesty. When required, these services may include an additional cost to the student. 


Post-Master’s Certificate – Nurse Educator

Semester Total NUR






NUR Courses
*Spring or Summer Pre-requisite course $110 *603


n/a n/a n/a
First semester $460 602






Second Semester $0 640






Third Semester $20 604






Fourth semester $0 632






Total $590        

*Instructors may require exam proctoring services to verify student identity to minimize the risk of academic dishonesty. When required, these services may include an additional cost to the student. 


The Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional certification and licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). To determine the state requirements for professional nursing licensure as an APRN, please visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) webpage,, then select the state where you want to know the professional licensure requirements.

  • Cohort based; Fall term start
  • Clinical must be completed in Mississippi or Arkansas (FNP track only)


Department Chair

Dr. Addie Herrod
P: 662-846-4255
F: 662-846-4271

Address and Mailing

Robert E. Smith School of Nursing
DSU Box 3343 Nursing 137
Cleveland, MS 38733

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